
New Changes

Hey everyone! So i’m switching these challenges to monthly challenges! This asset we are working on right now i am really enjoying, and i hope you all are as well. The reason i decided to make it a monthly challenge was so that we could have more time to work on the assets (especially since we all have other things to focus on also), gives your more time to experiment with textures, ask questions, network, and post progresses of your work for critiques, guidance, or just because! So This asset we are working on now will be due at the end of this month! New people might be joining, so it gives them a month to work on this, and us some more time if you started on this challenge.

I also started a facebook group for this site and here’s the link:  join it, and invite others to the group! Depending on how everything goes, we might be able to offer more then one scene each month, but no promises!


Oh! And here’s a render on where i am with my render, where are you guys at?

Challenge 2

Here it is everyone! This time you have 2 weeks!
Why? Gives me time to set up next weeks scenes,
and i basically had this one ready for everyone so late.
Enjoy! Lets all have a turn in this time, including myself xD.
Lets do this! and Thanks Ty for the lighting for this one!
Challenge 2 : MB FBX
Challenge Ends : Mon July 30

Next Challenge

So im thinking about doing this as a bi-weekly challenge. So you would have 2 weeks to do the textures, and so i can have more then just a few hours to find the next asset for us to work on. Also, lighting will be preset, but you are more then welcome to change the lighting if you guys would like. But for turn in, i would ask for a default lighting render and your new lighting’s render. Also, you can move the assets around but try not to deviate to much from the original concept. And no moving the render camera around. Again, model/scene donations are welcome! Credit will be given also! Idea’s for the next asset? Send me reference and i will get back to you! This is a community, lets try to make these challenges the best we can.

New Challenge for next week!

SO this week was kinda of a mess for me. SO many things came up i barely got around to texturing this asset. The next Challenge will def. be ready for everyone by midnight! Lets try and more people on here! I’m going to try and get a facebook page or group for this. How’d everyone do with this scene?

Challenge 1

Sorry for the wait everyone! Website is still being worked on but the 1st challenge is ready!
Here’s the link peeps! Hurry up and get started! And good luck!
Challenge 1 : MA FBX


News – Things to know!

OK so first thing is first! Welcome! If your interested in participating, just register up and get ready for the 1st challenge. The Scene will be up soon! Other things basically, this site is till being worked on, so expect changes and things like that around this site. For the scene, the lighting is already done, or being worked on as we speak. You will have 6 days to get as much texturing done as you can. This is not a competition, this is just a community based challenge for socializing, producing art, and learning new things, among other things. The models were not done by me, i just went online and found a scene. If you have models that you’d like to donate at any time, that would be great and credit would be give to you!  If you have any other questions, just post below, or shoot me an email!! Looking forward to seeing what everyone produces at the end of the week!

News – Ideas!

So the First Challenge will be here in a few hours for everyone to start working on it! Lighting will be set up already, so all you have to do is spend all 6 days working on the textures. During this week, let me know what you guys think. Like:

  • Should people be able to post on here what they have so far during the week
  • Questions about this site or how the challenge should go

Anything that is on your mind!

The CGTC is here!

Welcome to the CG Texture Challenge!

CG Texture Challenge (CGTC) was created to be a community for cg artists to gather and challenge themselves and one-another with small projects weekly. The Challenges usually start on a Monday and is due by Saturday (so 6 days to get it done!), so that on Sunday we can all rest, see what everyone turned in, and critique and grow.  It’s ultimate purpose is to keep us artists active and help each-other grow.


The 1st CGTC logo, in black and white.

(click the pic and shift-click refresh to see the animation)